Planning for young entrepreneurs

As young, successful business owners ourselves, we have a keen understanding of the challenges faced by entrepreneurs between the ages of 25 and 45 years old. 

Many clients want to understand what the future may look like. We make use of sophisticated software to assist in seeing what your financial circumstances may look like over the short, medium and long-term, under a variety of scenarios. This can help you to recognise whether you are on track to meet your financial aspirations and allow us to be flexible in meeting your needs throughout your lifetime, in the face of ever-changing circumstances. With the right planning, we are able to work with you towards growing your wealth whilst protecting your family and the business from unforeseen scenarios. 

As part of our process we first establish your goals, whether they be your personal or business objectives, and then set out a plan for the steps needed to make these a reality. Indeed, young founders and directors often find it difficult to find time to sort their finances and we’ve found that many are concerned with a handful of key areas, such as: 

  • How do I plan for my first house purchase (or upsizing from my current home)? 
  • How to I plan with a young family? 
  • How do I extract cash efficiently from my business? 
  • How much risk should I be taking with my investments?
  • How do I invest in the most tax efficient manner? 
  • How can I best protect my business and my family? 
  • How can I ensure my retirement provision are adequate? 

We find that it is important to distinguish between your personal and business finances and build a distinct plan for each aspect of your life. By understanding your circumstances, needs and objectives we are able to build truly effective financial plans over the long term and help manage any concerns you may hold about the future.

The value of an investment with St. James's Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds you select and the value can therefore go down as well as up. You may get back less than you invested.

The levels and bases of taxation, and reliefs from taxation, can change at any time. The value of any tax relief is generally dependent on individual circumstances.